Home Business Women in leadership positions highlight gender equality needs

Women in leadership positions highlight gender equality needs

Mujeres en puestos de liderazgo destacan necesidades de equidad de género

With the celebration of forbes forum "Powerful Women 2022", The renowned business and finance magazine, Forbes Dominican Republic, concluded its content agenda for this year, in an event that included the participation of women leaders, both in the public and private sectors.

The Mayor of Santo Domingo, Carolina Mejiaone of the invited speakers at the Forum, advocated the importance in the education and training of collaborative women among themselves.

“We have to build women who are for other women”; expressed Mejía and took the opportunity to highlight the importance of the gender component in all public policies with a view to guaranteeing a more equitable context for Dominican citizens.

Both Carolina Mejía and Lucile Houellemont, president and founder of Dominican Watchman, explained that they still there is a need for women to adapt to specific circumstances that demand some leadership positions in order to achieve effective management. At the same time, they pointed out and promoted the importance of self-confidence when it comes to feeling worthy of these roles.

“It has taken me a lot of work to get a woman out of the newsroom and put her in a management position. She demands sacrifice and performance, but she can do it,” said the director of CDN, channel 37, Alba Nely Familia, referring to her own professional career.

The director of ProDominicana,Biviana Riveiro highlighted the level of citizen awareness of Dominican women regarding the investment they make in their self-care, health, and education, they generate a “multiplier” effect for the national economy.

Dr. Tania Medina made an instructive presentation on the so-called neurolinguistic programming, as a mechanism to direct thoughts in order to achieve goals.

The businesswomen Marielis Ramos, founder of Hair Plus, and Karina Cortorreal, founder of Indómita, spoke about the challenges of the Dominican woman when it comes to balancing all facets of her life and the high expectations that currently exist in society in this regard.

“Women have to demonstrate excellence in all our facets: as daughters, mothers, professionals. There are many women who have led the way and great advances have been made but there is still work to be done,” said Ramos.

As guests, business leaders Jaime Senior, from the Association of Young Entrepreneurs (ANJE) and Eduardo Cruz, president of Grupo Humano, highlighted the importance of supporting female business leadership and management through the support of male leaders .

“Men and women are different, but capacities are equally valuable and we should not pigeonhole a woman in traditional areas. where we see women,” Senior said.

The event was also attended by Miracles of CampsVice Minister of International Cooperation of the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources; Yomayra Martinofounder of Greenergy, and Indira Lawrencedirector of Sustainability at Martí and Fundación Tropigas, who highlighted the importance of training women in sustainability issues which, according to official sources, will represent 35% of jobs in the immediate future.

About the Forum
The Forbes Powerful Women Forum is a space conceived each year to establish a dialogue with different representatives of the public and private sectors of national life in terms of gender equality, leadership and sustainability.

In its December issue, Forbes published a special entitled Mujeres Poderosas 2022 in which it highlighted the impact of the work of Dominican women in the different areas of the economic dynamics of the Dominican Republic.

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