Malayalam actress Priya Prakash Varrier became popular overnight for her video (Priya Prakash Varrier Video). The eye-catching video of her went viral on the internet. Priya became a national crush due to her killer looks and her incredible talent for winking. Priya is back in the spotlight. A new Priya kissing video is going more and more viral on social media (Priya Prakash Varrier Kissing Video). In this video, she is trying to kiss her friend. People are giving the reaction of her fiercely in the video.
This video that is going viral on social media is actually from the year 2019. This video was shared by Priya herself on Instagram (Priya Prakash Varrier Instagram). In the video you see her friend (Sinu Sidharth), who Priya is trying to kiss. However, this kiss does not materialize and Priya becomes depressed. This video of Priya is going very viral ((Priya Prakash Varrier Viral Video). At the same time, people are also commenting on it fiercely.
People are really liking this video. At the same time, users are also giving feedback. One user wrote: ‘The kiss should have been completed.’ Another user wrote: ‘It was a good joke.’ At the same time, one user praised Priya: “Your eyes are so pretty.” Let us tell you that Priya Prakash Warrior often talks about her looks. Photos and videos of her are fiercely shared on social media. Priya Prakash’s fan base is also continuously increasing. People like it a lot.