Akshay Kumar’s OMG 2 is slated to hit theaters August 11 alongside Sunny Deol’s Gadar 2. There was controversy surrounding the film as soon as the trailer for OMG 2 was released, but now after some editing, it’s ready for release. At the same time, various promo videos ensure even more excitement among the fans before the release. Akshay Kumar has high hopes for the film as the film has been booked well in advance.
According to the reports, “OMG 2” has sold 1000,000 million tickets in advance. According to this, the film can collect about 10 to 11 crores on the first day of its release. Although these figures are much less than the estimated collection of Gadar 2. In such a situation, it is said that “OMG 2” will lag behind Sunny Deol’s sequel film at the box office.
Speaking of Gadar 2, as of the evening of August 9, 3,91,975 tickets for Gadar 2 had been booked in advance. According to Bollywood Hungama’s report, Gadar 2 can take in 30 to 35 crores at the box office itself on the first day. Even some reports put this number as high as 40-45 crore rupees. In such a situation, Akshay Kumar’s film is expected to be inferior to Sunny Deol’s film.
OMG 2 is a comedy-drama film that is a sequel to Akshay Kumar’s 2012 film OMG. Yami Gautam will also star in the film alongside Akshay Kumar and Pankaj Tripathi. He will be seen in the role of a lawyer. OMG 2 is based on the importance of sex education for teenagers. Significantly, “OMG 2” was embroiled in a controversy over its certification, with the censorship board proposing 27 cuts in the film before the film was allowed to release.