: Veteran Bollywood actor Dharmendra and heroine Hema Malini's daughter is in the headlines more for her personal life than her acting career. Recently such news came out about Esha Deol. Everyone was surprised to hear this. According to reports, the actress has separated from her husband Bharat Takhtani.
According to a news story published in Bollywood Life and Bollywood Shaadi.com, these things actually came to light when a social media user recently shared a post on Reddit suggesting that Isha and Bharat had broken up with each other. That's why you no longer see them together in public. Furthermore, in this post, the user also claims that Bharat is cheating on his wife.
The user also claimed in his post that he saw Isha's husband Bharat at a party in Bengaluru on New Year's Day. Where he was with one of his supposed girlfriends. It was also said that Bharat's girlfriend lives only in Bangalore. However, no one from the Deol family has responded to this news so far.
After this news surfaced on social media, users started reacting to it. One user wrote: “Looking at Bharat, it seems that he loves his family and his wife very much.” Another wrote: “The things that happened to her mother should not happen to Isha.”
We tell you that Esha Deol married Bharat on June 29, 2012. The marriage ceremony of both took place with utmost simplicity in the ISKCON temple. After five years of marriage, the couple became parents to daughter Radhya and in 2019, Isha gave birth to their second daughter Miraya Takhtani.
This star couple is often seen sharing pictures with each other on social media. However, this time Bharat was missing from Esha Deol's birthday party. Bharat wasn't even seen on Hema Malini's birthday.