After the bad reactions to the Bollywood film Laal Singh Chadha, Aamir Khan is very aware of his next move. If we believe the rumors, Aamir wants to do a Hindi remake of the Spanish hit Campeones with none other than Salman Khan.
According to the latest reports, Aamir will produce the film. Salman plays the lead role. It is not yet known if Aamir will also have a role in the film. Filming is expected to begin later this year. An official announcement is expected on Aamir Khan’s birthday; March 14.
“Salman found the topic very interesting. He and Aamir constantly talk about various aspects, such as locations and shooting days. They hope to be able to start in June 2023,” said a production employee.
“Aamir looks forward to announcing this epic collaboration on his birthday in March. He hopes that everything will be in place for him before March 14, ”he adds.