Every festival in Bollywood is celebrated in full swing. These days, a similar view is being seen regarding Diwali. Every day a pre-Diwali party is organized at the home of some celebrities, attended by all the stars of Bollywood. Although Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh, one of the most beloved couples in Bollywood, do not see each other at these parties, after which such questions are raised in people’s minds that why are these two out of these parties?
In Bollywood Diwali party, Vicky Kaushal, Aishwarya Rai-Abhishek Bachchan are glimpse couples but Deepika-Ranveer are not visible in these parties. Recently, there was news of a sour relationship between the two on social media. Although this was just a rumor. At the same time, when Deepveer is not seen at these parties, fans of both look worried.
Although Deepika likes to celebrate festivals with her parents in her hometown Bangalore, she reportedly gets to celebrate Diwali at her in-laws’ house this time. This time, Ranveer doesn’t want to get away from his wife, so Ranveer is finishing all his work before Diwali. At the same time, both of them will celebrate Diwali together. At the same time, it may be that for this reason, the two do not see each other at any Bollywood party.
However, Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone got married in the year 2018, after which both of them are often part of the headlines. Fans are also very fond of their partner.