The famous Indian Idol singing reality show, YouTube fame and singer Farmani Naaz is still a topic of discussion these days. In fact, in the month of kanwariyas, Farmani Naaz recently released a Shiva hymn called ‘Har Har Shambhu Song’ on her YouTube channel. After this anthem, the controversy heated up and many maulanas from Deoband have raised their voices against the decree. In such a situation, we are going to tell you who Farmani Naaz is and how she became a famous singer.
It should be noted that Farmani Naaz is a resident of a small village called Mohammadpur Mafi in the Muzaffanjar district of Uttar Pradesh. At the same time, in 2017, Farmani Naaz’s marriage to Ella Imran’s husband took place in Chhota Hasanpur village in Meerut. After the marriage, Farmani Naaz did not happen at all as she thought and began to receive teasing and problems from her in-laws. After some time of marriage, Ella Farmani had a son whose name is said to be Mohammad Arsh. After the birth of this child, clouds of trouble began in Farmani Naaz’s life because Arsh was told that she had a throat disease. For which treatment, Farmani Naz began to work day and night to fix the money. Farmani Naaz’s husband is known to have left her and remarried. After this, Farmani Naaz returned to her father’s house in Mohammadpur.
Farmani Naaz, who spent her life in the fighting days, is very fond of singing. According to the news, one day she Farmani was humming a song, when a person named Rahul in her village heard her singing and recorded one of her songs like this and uploaded it on YouTube. After which she really liked the Farmani Naaz song. In this way, Ella Farmani Naaz started her own YouTube channel which has around 38.4 lakh subscribers. The couple of Farmani Naaz and Farman like more. Because Farman is the same person who took responsibility for sharing Farmani’s video on social media.
It is said that talent definitely reaches its destination one day or another. Something similar happened with Farmani Naaz, when he entered the 12th season of the famous TV singing show Indian Idol. During this, Farmani Naaz made the famous singers Neha Kakkar, Himesh Reshammiya and Vishal Dadlani his fans on the show with his brilliant singing. During this, Farmani Naaz sang the Hindi song ‘Jo Vaada Kiya To Nibhana Pagaga’. Farman was also present alongside Farmani on this occasion. However, after Arsh’s son’s health deteriorated, Farmani had to return from Indian Idol.