WHO advises against using artificial sweeteners to control weight

The United Nations health agency has warned people about the possible negative implications of consuming foods that contain artificial sweeteners, such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and mortality. Therefore, it is suggested that people look for another way to sweeten food naturally.

The World Health Organization (WHO) recently released guidance on sugar-free sweeteners, which suggests they shouldn’t be used to control body weight or manage non-communicable disease risks.

After doing a comprehensive review of all the evidence, it appears that the use of sugar-free sweeteners does not help reduce body fat in adults or children in the long term. This recommendation is supported by research results.

Study results indicate that possible side effects may come from long-term use, such as an increased chance of developing type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and premature death.

“Replacing free sugars with sugar-free sweeteners does not help with long-term weight management. People should consider other ways to reduce their intake of free sugars, such as eating foods with natural sugars, such as fruit, or sugar-free foods and drinks.The announcement was made by the Organization’s Director of Nutrition and Food Safety.

The Doctor. Francesco Branca made it clear that sugary additives are not necessary for a healthy diet and provide no nutritional value. “People should totally reduce sweetness in their diet to improve their health from an early age.’ he added.

Products present in affected sweeteners

This recommendation is based on research conducted among adults, children and pregnant women. Unfortunately, the authors state that assessing the effects of sweeteners in existing diabetics is not within the scope of this guideline. Therefore, it is not known whether these components can benefit people with pre-existing diabetes.

In addition, the document lists all synthetic and altered or naturally-derived non-nutritive sweeteners that do not fall into the category of sugars. These sweeteners are widely used in commercial foods and beverages, as well as being available for people to add to their own foods and beverages.

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Popular artificial sweeteners such as acesulfame K, aspartameadvantame, cyclamates, neotame, saccharin, sucralose, stevia and their derivatives are commonly used in place of sugar.

The authors mentioned that certain products such as toothpastes, skin creams and medications would not be covered by this guide, nor would those containing low-calorie sugars and sugar alcohols, which contain calories and therefore do not fall under this guideline. . the category of non-nutritive sweeteners.

Conditional recommendation for artificial sweeteners

After reviewing the company’s protocols for policy formation, the suggestion was labeled conditional. These policies must be adapted according to the specific social needs and context of each nation, taking into account factors such as the degree of consumption among different age groups. Therefore, discussing and debating these decisions is necessary to accurately meet your needs.

According to WHO, this classification was assigned to the guideline because of the potential for certain existing conditions, as well as patterns of use, to influence the link between sweeteners and health outcomes that has been established through evidence.

Healthy eating suggestion

To reduce the risk of noncommunicable diseases and improve the nutritional quality of diets around the world, the WHO has created a set of guidelines on healthy eating. These recommendations will soon be available to the public, among which is the guidance distributed in these days.

Policymakers at the state and county levels, along with program managers and NGOs concerned with nutrition and noncommunicable disease prevention, should take note of these recommendations. also health professionals; nutrition scientists and researchers; educators; and food industry representatives.


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