Multi-device support has reached WhatsApp earlier this summer as one of the biggest news added by the platform in recent years. It came to allow you to exchange messages with friends and family even without having your main phone nearby.
The measure considerably changed the productivity and versatility of the use of this messaging application, making it even more attractive. Remember, by the way, that we can have up to four devices of the company registered in the same account.
Delete messages from multiple devices? It will be possible on WhatsApp
Multi-device support still has some insects and imperfections in the operation to which the technician will pay special attention. It does this to harmonize the experience of using the service on the different compatible devices and on which it is present.
Among the improvement and standardization efforts is the new tool under development. It is, more specifically, the possibility of deleting several conversation threads through various platforms. That is, when we delete a conversation or group chat on one device, the content will be deleted on all other devices that may be associated with the same account.
So, if you want to delete some text, image, audio or video on WhatsApp from all the smartphones and / or tablets the account was active on, just delete it on one of them. Until then, it was necessary to repeat the procedure on each of the devices.
Once this feature is active, deleting on one device will automatically delete it on others connected to the same user account. However, for now, the feature is not even in beta testing (beta), although this shouldn’t take long.
WhatsApp also prepares encrypted backups of message history
As the same source points out, WhatsApp is also preparing the back encrypted backups. Thus, this copy of the WhatsApp message history will also be protected by encryption, something that will be implemented very soon.
Although the messaging platform has not advanced a precise date for its distribution, the functionality will be almost ready. The report is now advanced for publication. WABetaInfo, dedicated to the designs and news of this messaging application.
For the user, there are new features in the elimination of content on various devices, as well as in a serious reinforcement of privacy and security. For now, however, the features are finalized and will be tested soon.
Only later will they begin to reach the Beta channel, to test in the respective applications for Android and iOS.