What did the last Jew survive in Afghanistan after the Taliban took over?

Kabul: The last Jew of Afghanistan left the country after the Taliban took over.

According to the details, the last Jew living in Afghanistan and carpet trader Zebulun Semantov left Afghanistan on Friday. Arrangements were made for him to leave the country by an Israeli-American businessman Moti Kahna. Zebulun has now moved to a neighboring country. Û”

According to AFP, Moti Kahna, who runs a private security firm in the United States, said Zeblon Semantov never agreed to leave Afghanistan, the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan, the civil war, the first Taliban regime and then Despite coming to the United States, he did not leave his country.last jew 2

Even when the security team reached him 10 days before his departure, he was not fully prepared to leave the country, Moti Kahna said, adding that Zebulun was under threat from ISIS Khurasan militants. So he did not want to leave at that time, but later he agreed to leave the country.

Interestingly, this last remaining Jew of Afghanistan did not want to leave his good neighbor friend behind when he left the country, and took this family of 29 people with him.last jew 1

Zeblon Semantov was born in the western Afghan city of Herat in the 1950s, and moved to Kabul in the early 1980s during the Soviet occupation of the country. Some of Zeblon’s family members live in New York. According to Zebulun, in the past, the Taliban tried to convert him to Islam, and he was imprisoned four times, but he did not leave Afghanistan.

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Remember that Jews lived in Afghanistan for more than two and a half thousand years, thousands of them lived in Herat, where there are still four synagogues, which indicate the ancient presence of Jews in Afghanistan, but the 19th Over the centuries, large numbers of Jews have left Afghanistan, and many now live in Israel.


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