Vox’s Menéndez Wants 41M Cut, Emphasizes Pact Stability

The Vox spokesperson in the Cortes, Carlos Menéndez, today urged President Alfonso Fernández Mañueco to maintain an active strategy, like the one developed over the past two years of alliance between both parties, and defended all the measures put in place and laws approved during this period of cohabitation.

Menéndez agreed with Fernández Mañueco that “Castilla y León works” and that it is “better today than two years ago.” He praised the announcement of a new tax reduction and celebrated the fact that Castilla y León is “currently the community that has the greatest support for births and families.”

In his response, the president of the Board highlighted the constructive nature and support of Vox for the Government of Castilla y León and recalled that they are two different parties that “put aside their differences” to give “stability” to the Community and respond to the “general interest.”

“There is still a lot of work to do, and through collaboration, respect, and dialogue, we will continue working,” the president concluded. He also emphasized that thanks to the agreement, today there is a solid government.

The Vox spokesperson also highlighted the measures taken in housing policy, improving heritage, and agriculture, as well as the aid provided to unions and employers, families, and the elderly.

Menéndez also praised the progress made in the Government and described his party as “reliable” in the institutions. He warned that neither the PSOE nor the left is “anyone to bend the will of our fellow citizens.”

He also criticized the PSOE and said that they have done worse in Castilla y León over the past two years. He rejected the idea of amnesty or agreements offered by Tudanca to isolate Vox and declared his party the “center of their attacks and obsessions.”

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