A photo is going viral on social media. Former Indian captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni can be seen in the viral photo on social media. In fact, in this photo Mahendra Singh Dhoni can be seen with his friend’s cute daughter. The former Indian captain looks very cool and smiling in the photo. At the same time, Mahendra Singh Dhoni’s fans are very fond of the picture.
However, the image of Mahendra Singh Dhoni is going viral on social media. Additionally, social media users are constantly providing their feedback through comments. In fact, Mahendra Singh Dhoni was last seen on the field during the 2023 IPL. After that he is no longer on the field. Mahendra Singh Dhoni has retired from international cricket. However, Mahendra Singh Dhoni is still playing in the IPL.
The cutest picture of the day.
– Johns. (@CricCrazyJohns) August 13, 2023
Led by Mahendra Singh Dhoni, Chennai Super Kings won the IPL 2023 title. In fact, under the captaincy of Mahendra Singh Dhoni, the Chennai Super Kings have won the IPL title five times. Mahendra Singh Dhoni is one of the most successful captains in the history of the IPL. Alongside Mahendra Singh Dhoni, Rohit Sharma has won the IPL trophy five times as captain. Under the captaincy of Rohit Sharma, the Mumbai Indians have been five-time IPL champions. The Chennai Super Kings clinched the title by defeating the Gujarat Titans in the IPL 2023 Finals.