Unlocking Solar Power in Mexico: What You Need to Know

Understanding the CFE Interconnection Process for Solar Panels in Mexico

In Mexico, individuals looking to install a self-consumption solar panel system must navigate the CFE interconnection process. This involves several procedures to ensure the system meets government regulations and requirements. The process can be complex, but understanding the necessary steps can help ensure a smooth and successful interconnection.

Key Procedures for CFE Interconnection

To install a self-consumption solar panel system, individuals must complete the following procedures:

Obtain a CFE Electricity Supply Contract

A low-voltage supply contract with the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) is required. This involves visiting a CFE office and providing necessary documentation, including a recent electricity bill and official identification.

Certify the Solar Panel System

A CFE technician will visit the property to verify that the photovoltaic system meets current regulations and safety standards. The system must be installed by professionals to ensure compliance.

Interconnection Contract

A bidirectional meter is required to record both energy consumption and generation. This meter will enable compensation for excess energy delivered to the public grid.

Consideration Contract

The final procedure involves compensation with the CFE for excess energy generated. This step is typically quick and straightforward.

Simplifying the CFE Interconnection Process

To streamline the process, individuals can outsource the procedures to the company installing the photovoltaic system. This can save time and ensure that all requirements are met.

Step-by-Step Guide to CFE Interconnection

The CFE interconnection process involves the following steps:

First Step: Documentation Delivery

Submit complete documentation to a CFE branch, including the application form and required documents.

Second Step: Procedure Status Check

The CFE will process the request and generate a follow-up folio, allowing individuals to track the status of the procedure.

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Third Step: CFE Visit

CFE technicians will visit the property to verify that the photovoltaic system meets regulations and safety standards.

Fourth Step: Contract Signing

After the inspection, individuals will sign the interconnection contract and consideration contract at a designated CFE office.

Fifth Step: Meter Change

CFE technicians will replace the existing meter with a bidirectional meter to record energy consumption and generation.

CFE Interconnection Costs

The CFE interconnection process is free, but individuals must have already invested in the solar panel system.

Requirements for CFE Interconnection

To complete the CFE interconnection process, individuals must meet the following requirements:

Application Form

Fill out the application form and submit it to the CFE office, ensuring accurate information.

Location Sketch

Provide a sketch of the power plant location, showing where the electricity supply reaches the property.

One-Line Diagram

Submit a one-line diagram of the power plant and load centers that share interconnection points.

Technical Sheets

Provide technical sheets for the technology generating energy in the photovoltaic system and the power inverter.

Copy of Receipt

If receiving electricity through CFE Basic Services Supplier, bring a copy of the last receipt notice from the end user.

Where to Complete the CFE Interconnection Process

Individuals must visit the CFE office corresponding to their address to initiate and complete the interconnection process. CFE technicians will handle the interconnection with the local electrical network.

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