When vaccines hit the family. In the United States, a mother on Monday regained the right to see her child a few weeks after being deprived of it for lack of having been inoculated its doses.
The case began on August 11, when an Illinois judge gave the 11-year-old to his father, who was in turn vaccinated. The couple had been divorced for several years and shared custody.
At a new hearing on August 30, the same judge went back, overturning his first decision. However, no explanation was provided by the latter to explain this turnaround.
“I am extremely happy, I will see my son right away. I know they are going to say that I am a danger to my son. It’s not over for me, ”the mother said after the trial. Chicago Sun-Times. And for good reason. Jeffrey Leving, the father’s lawyer, has already assured that he would work on an urgent motion to continue the legal fight.
As explained The Hill, many court decisions go in the direction of a wider vaccination in recent times. In Ohio, for example, judges have asked people to get vaccinated to validate their parole. Decision-making that falls within a “troubled zone” of American law according to an expert interviewed by the New York Times.