United Kingdom: he receives a prison sentence for having driven on a railway with his car

This little trip cost him dearly. In the UK, a man was sentenced last August to 15 months in prison for driving his car on a railway.

The facts happened on May 9, near Duddeston station in Birmingham, the second most populous city in the country.

As can be seen in the CCTV footage below, posted on social media by the British Transport Police, the 31-year-old driver took to the tracks.

After which he abandoned his vehicle a little further and continued on foot. But the police quickly managed to identify him. And for good reason, the individual had forgotten his cell phone in his car, said the police in a communicated.

“An extremely dangerous and senseless act”

The Briton was found guilty of endangering the lives of others and dangerous driving. In addition to the prison sentence, he was fined and banned from driving for two years.

In total, this incident cost the railway company more than £ 23,000 (around 26,960 euros) and resulted in delays of up to eight hours.

“It is an extremely dangerous and senseless act which has caused significant risk to passengers and damage to the railway,” Inspector Raymond Ascott said, adding that, fortunately, there were no injuries.

“From now on, the British Transport Police wrote in the caption of the sequence,” he will have plenty of time to reflect on this immensely dangerous and senseless act in prison.

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