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Unemployment: here are the job seekers affected by the new bonus of 1,000 euros

Unemployment: here are the job seekers affected by the new bonus of 1,000 euros

This is one more measure that will strengthen the fight against unemployment. The Minister of Labor, Elisabeth Borne announced this Thursday, October 7 the granting of a bonus of 1,000 euros to certain job seekers. Detailed review of the profiles concerned.

This sum will be granted to the unemployed who meet very specific criteria. This “bonus” will thus be aimed at long-term job seekers, ie registered with Pôle Emploi for more than a year.

In addition, they will have to carry out in-company training, and present a promise of employment.

The measure also provides for the payment terms of this bonus of 1,000 euros: job seekers meeting all the criteria will receive a first half of the amount at the start of their training, the rest will be paid to them at the end.

Encourage employment in sectors that are recruiting

According to the Minister, this measure aims to encourage the unemployed to go into occupations that are hiring. Last September, Prime Minister Jean Castex had also reiterated, faced with the difficulties in recruiting certain companies, the imperative need to strengthen the training of the unemployed.

In this context, Elisabeth Borne was then engaged, in the columns of the Parisian “That all long-term job seekers are contacted by a Pôle Emploi adviser by the end of the year”.

Also last September, according to the latest figures available, France (excluding Mayotte) had 3.026 million long-term unemployed in the second quarter, registered for more than a year (category A, B, C), with more than 1 , 5 million registered for more than two years.

The Minister of Labor, however, praised the dynamic of assisted contracts, which allow a company to hire a young person who is far from employment (Youth Employment Initiative Contracts), for which the State covers 47% of the remuneration of the employee. young, by affirming that “40,000 contracts of this type have been signed since the beginning of the year”, against “1,600 in 2020”.

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