Trump is asking the Supreme Court to stay a ruling that rejects his criminal immunity

Donald Trumpformer President of the United States asked today, February 12, 2024, the Supreme Court to suspend a decision of a lower court Denied immunity from prosecution.

On February 6, an appeals court rejected the request Trump’s criminal immunitywhich once again opens up the possibility that he could be put on trial in Washington for an alleged attempt at change 2020 election resultsin which he lost to Democratic President Joe Biden.

The appeal leaves the fate of Trump card Nine months remain in the hands of the Supreme Court until the elections in which he is expected to run for a second time Biden.

Trump card In four criminal proceedings, 91 charges have been brought against him for alleged attempted coups Biden victoryas he had taken top secret documents with him when he left White House and for suspicious payments to buy a porn actress’ silence about a previous alleged extramarital relationship that could have undermined her candidacy in 2016.

In early February, a federal appeals court ruled that he could not claim immunity.

The Trump’s statement That he is immune from criminal liability for decisions he made while in the White House “is not supported by precedent, history, or the text and structure of the Constitution,” the justices said.

Trump card estimates that uA president must have complete legal immunity to be able to carry out their duties without “fear” of “retaliation”.

However, the appeals court in Washington says that the transfer of one If granting immunity placed the president “beyond the reach” of the judiciary and legislative branch, the system would “collapse.” the separation of powers.

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The appeal court has suspended the judgment until today, February 12, 2024 Trump card With the possibility of appealing to the Supreme Court, nine justices now have to decide whether to accept or reject the case.

Trump’s trial over alleged attempts to change the election results was scheduled to begin March 4, but the appeal delayed it.

He is accused Conspiracy to defraud the United States and obstructing the certification of Biden’s victory in Congress on January 6, 2021.

This day, Trump card He addressed his supporters as they made their way to the Capitol, where they broke into and ransacked the building, delaying certification before they were ultimately expelled.

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