Thousands of tickets canceled for Kuwait

According to the Kuwaiti media, since August 1, people from abroad have been allowed into Kuwait and have arrived in foreign countries on several flights.

Foreigners from all over the world are waiting their turn to come to Kuwait and the airlines have made unlimited passenger reservations, the money is being paid.

Tour operators and airlines have also cut ticket prices as demand has increased and ticket prices for transit flights have reached Rs 600 million.

Civil Aviation has directed airlines and tour operators to comply with the approved number of decisions and standard operating procedures.

Thousands of passengers from Pakistan, Egypt, India and other countries are waiting to enter Kuwait, but the increase in plane tickets has added to the concerns of foreigners.

The Kuwaiti Ministry of Health has ordered that the passport number on the vaccination certificate be changed to avoid any inconvenience during the trip.

Citizens and immigrants who have renewed their passports after receiving the required doses of the coronavirus vaccine have been instructed to contact the Musharraf Kuwait Vaccination Center to have their passport number changed on the vaccination certificate. Go to the “Ask Me” counter.

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