They extended the investigation period for the Manantiales incident; They do not rule out a reparation agreement

A new hearing was scheduled Scary from feathers that ended the lives of two young Argentine women in January 2023. No charges were filed that day and the case will remain under investigation until June. The responsible public prosecutor is Sebastián Robles.

They do not rule out the possibility of a reparation agreement being reached.

The victims’ advocate, Jorge BarreraHe described the event as “fruitful.”

“The key to developing the process that begins in the next 120 days,” he said.

“It is the last deadline available to demand an alternative route to the conflict in reparation matters. Therefore, we have set the dates from today. “We are four months away from filing a lawsuit or finding alternative ways to resolve the dispute, such as a withdrawal or a redress agreement,” the lawyer said.

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