They detain 13,000 migrants every day; Crisis in the United States


Democratic and Republican senators introduced a bill on Sunday that would create a “special authority” to use the option to stop the flow of people at the southern border if the daily average of migrants reaches 4,000 in a week, but mandatory , if they exceed an average of 5,000 per day over seven days or if 8,500 are registered in one day.

However, according to figures provided by the US Border Patrol wood woolLast January, 413,304 people were arrested, an average of 13,332 per day.

If the measure goes into effect, asylum seekers will remain at the Mexican border awaiting resumption of their case, which would effectively be suspended until further orders. Since early December last year, the average number of migrants encountered by the patrol at the border each day has exceeded 13,000.

The plan worries migrant shelter managers, who confirm that the majority of those now arriving at the border are Mexican.

“More than 80 percent of the people we are currently hosting are Mexicans from the states of Michoacán and Guerrero, and now they are also starting to come from Chiapas,” he said wood wool the director of the Juventud 2000 shelter, José María Chema García Lara.

He explained that until last November, “we had a lot of Central American migrants and some South Americans and Haitians, but they all had application appointments (for cell phones to apply for asylum, CBP One) and they all left.”

The director of the Vueling a la Patria shelter, Raúl López Hernández, calculated that “more than 90 percent of our housed migrants are Mexicans from Michoacán and Guerrero.” At the moment we have very few foreigners, a German and a few Haitians, nothing more. “

Republicans reject the proposal

The $118 billion bipartisan bill introduced by US senators on Sunday to strengthen border security and immigration control was rejected by Republicans in the House of Representatives led by President Mike Johnson, who asserted that they were already pushing to dismantle the agreement would reach this stage.

Johnson reported in a statement that the bill was “worse than expected” and would not come close to ending the border disaster caused by the president, adding that it would encourage “further illegal immigration.”

Regarding the proposal, which also includes funds to support Israel and Ukraine in their respective wars, US President Joe Biden said on his limit.” because the United States will increase.”

From the editorial

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