Also called “Chinese cherries”, lychees contain many virtues. Here are 5 reasons to consume more frequently, summer and winter, this small exotic fruit with delicious and sweet white flesh.
Lychee, which grows on a lush tree with the same name, contains antioxidants and therefore helps fight skin aging. It stimulates the production of collagen, which provides elasticity to the skin and renews the epidermal cells.
Composed of 80% d’eau, cet aliment riche in fibers, more also in calcium, in sodium et en fer, soulage également les brûlures d’estomac, ballonnements et autres maux de ventre, regulate intestinal transit, facilitate digestion and prevent constipation.
An excellent source of potassium and vitamin B, this fruit, known for at least 2000 years, promotes the proper functioning of the heart and reduces the level of LDL, also called “bad cholesterol”, in the arteries. Therefore, the risk of cardiovascular disease decreases.
Another benefit: it allows you to fill yourself with energy. And for cause. It is rich in magnesium and contains a very high content of vitamin C (71 mg of vitamin C per 100 g of fruit). A serving of six fruits will be enough to cover the recommended daily amount.
Relatively low in calories (around 65 calories per 100g), lychee, which comes in several varieties, has its place in the diet. Thanks to its fiber content, it promotes greater satiety and reduces cravings for snacks.