The Indian team has confirmed its place in the final of the 2023 Asia Cup under captain Rohit Sharma. In the second Super 4 match against Sri Lanka, Team India’s bowlers once again put in a brilliant performance. In this game, both teams definitely won the hearts of all fans with their play. However, after the end of the match, a scene that no one expected occurred at the R-Premadasa Stadium in Colombo.
After the India-Sri Lanka match, some fans were seen having heated arguments among themselves in the stadium. Ever since the video of this incident surfaced, it has become very viral on social media. First there was an argument among the fans and then everyone started arguing with each other. Afterwards, some people present were also seen trying to stop the fight.
Fight after fight between Inf and SL
– Rahil Sayed (@RahilSa9398286) September 13, 2023
In the Super 4 match of the 2023 Asia Cup, the Indian team batting first could only score 213 runs. The spinners from Sri Lanka played an important role and took all ten wickets. From Sri Lanka, 20-year-old youngster Dunitha Vellalage picked up a maximum of five wickets, including the wickets of Rohit, Gill, Kohli, KL Rahul and Hardik Pandya.
It was very difficult for Sri Lanka to achieve this goal on this pitch at the R Premadasa Stadium in Colombo. Sri Lanka had lost three wickets in the first 10 overs. After that, Kuldeep Yadav took four wickets and Ravindra Jadeja two wickets and played an important role in reducing Sri Lanka’s innings to 172 runs. Now the Indian team has one more Super 4 match to play against Bangladesh on September 15 at the same stadium.