Bollywood superstar Aditya Roy Kapur’s action thriller Rashtra Kavach Om is proving to be a flop at the box office. Recently, film critic Taran Adarsh published the earnings figures for the second day of Rashtra Kavach Om. Under which the film’s box office hasn’t seen much of an increase compared to opening day.
Significantly, fans had high hopes for Rashtra Kavach Om. However, the film has failed to win the hearts of the audience. It should be noted that from the side of the figures of the trade analyst Taran Adarsh, the film Rashtra Kavach Om earned only Rs 1.70 crore on the second day, which is only 20 lakhs more than the first day. In such a situation, even on the second day of release, this Aditya Roy Kapoor film has not shown any special effect at the box office. Consequently, now the total collection of this film has become 3.21 crores.
Apart from this, if we talk about the Rashtra Kavach Om movie review, the movie has not received much response from critics. Which has clearly had an impact on the Rashtra Kavach Om collection. Though Aditya Roy Kapur’s action avatar in this movie is getting a lot of appreciation. Apart from Aditya in Rashtra Kavach Om, Sanjana Sanghvi, Jackie Shroff and Prakash Raj are known to be present in important roles.