Followers who saw yesterday’s stage found that it was shot at a great pace: the first hour was at 50 km / h, then at 48 km / h and the goal was reached long before the forecast. The heat it made and the two ports at the end did a lot of damage.
Nielsen is spectacular. The state of its shape shows it. He has been in the fight for three days to achieve his second stage win. In Valdepeñas de Jaén he did not win by a miracle, in Rincón de la Victoria he was on the break and yesterday he finally did.
Roglic is having something of the so-called champion’s luck not to have to quit. Maybe you can fall for three days at a time, and then not fall again. So far it has been without consequences, and for the sake of cycling that is so. That it does not happen to him as in the Tour that he had to abandon, neither he nor any rider. What you should not do is take the risks you take, because by winning twenty seconds you can lose the Lap. A Vuelta that is being the most entertaining big one and has been like this for several years.
Both today’s stage and tomorrow’s between Don Benito and Pico Villuercas, where I think Eiking will lose the red jerseyThey are two days of a lot of wear and a lot of speed. I hope that today a leak comes out, and depending on the number it is, it will try to arrive or not.