The UFO sighting leaves psychological traces on the witnesses

For decades the UFO phenomenon has aroused the interest not only of the general public but also of government agencies, particularly those of the United States, operating since the 1940s Investigational programs official and secret, such as the Sign, Grudge, Blue Book projects or the AATIP program for identifying advanced aerospace threats.

However, recent political and military movements in this country, with even testimony on Capitol Hill, have led to growing interest from the United States scientific community, which requires high quality and transparent data on this topic. NASA itself has created a department to study this thoroughly.

Recent political and military movements in the United States and even testimony on Capitol Hill have led to growing interest from the scientific community in unidentified anomalous phenomena.

One expression of this entire revolution was the change in the official nomenclature used to describe these phenomena. The most inaccurate and stigmatized, but also most popular term of unidentified flying object (UFO) in Spanish, UFO –Unidentified flying object– in English) has become known worldwide as unknown anomalous phenomenon (FANI in Spanish, UAP in English by Unidentified anomalous phenomena).

Most of the efforts by experts to study this FANI have focused on the physical aspectsincluding acceleration, speed, maneuverability, weather conditions, etc. of the unusual phenomena or objects captured by some witnesses or cameras.

Examples of this research include the Hessdalen Project in Norway, which has been trying to explain sightings of strange lights in a region of the country since the 1930s, and the analysis it has carried out Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies (SCU, abbreviation in English) about the videos of alleged UFOs recorded by American fighter jets.

The psychological aspect of FANI

To date, these types of studies have focused on the physical parameters associated with the phenomenon, but Gabriel G. de la TorreProfessor of Psychology at the University of Cadiz, recently published an article in the journal International Journal of Astrobiology where it addresses another aspect of FANI: the psychological one.

“Although the main focus is currently on the evidence and physical characteristics of these anomalous phenomena, we must not forget something transcendental: the human factor,” emphasizes the professor, who recalls that each sighting is usually made by one or more people, “ and that.” has a psychological effect, intervenes Perceptual, cognitive and emotional variables“.


Although the current focus is on the evidence and physical characteristics of these anomalous phenomena, we must not forget something transcendental: the human factor.

Gabriel G. de la Torre (UCA)

It was often attributed to exactly these psychological variables explain the phenomenon, due to possible hallucinations, perceptual disorders, trauma, deception or personal interest of the witnesses. In fact, the stories of many of them and certain images of the FANI are neither consistent nor, according to some researchers, can be used to draw valid conclusions for science.

“However, the phenomenon continues and official and scientific interest in it has grown,” says De la Torre, who emphasizes that “despite the fact that many of these confounding factors may sometimes be present, it is undeniable that the actual sighting has occurred .” of a FANI leaves a psychological impression on the witnessaccording to our study.”

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Responses from 93 direct witnesses

A survey was conducted to conduct the research on-line A total of 245 people from around the world reported on FANIs, 93 of whom said they had seen one. They accessed an exclusive questionnaire for witnesses. Generally, Your opinion was valued about official statements and videos (some from the Pentagon) on these phenomena, the strictly scientific approach and the search for extraterrestrial intelligence, and other aspects.

The triad of depth psychological engagement with FANI includes the almost daily presence of the topic in the witness’s mind, a recognized interest in the person himself, and the need to talk about it.

“The results revealed an interesting pattern among direct witnesses: a transformative effect and a benign form of what we define as the non-pathological, compulsive interest in the subject Triad with deep psychological involvement of these unidentified anomalous phenomena,” explains De la Torre.

The three elements of the triad of deep psychological connection with FANI are the almost daily presence of the subject in the witness’s mind, a self-recognized interest in this matter and the need to talk about it, although not necessarily about the specific event, that you have experienced.

“A species emerges Connection between FANI and topics“, emphasizes the professor, “and direct witnesses experience it as an event that changes their lives and their perception of our place in the cosmos.” These psychological aspects are quantitatively and qualitatively objective, although more research is needed in this regard.


Direct witnesses experience objective psychological aspects as an event that changes their lives and their perception of our place in the cosmos, but further research on this topic is needed.

Gabriel G. de la Torre (UCA)

“As we search for answers in physics, we must not forget something even more important: the witnesses,” he continues. It will be an interesting course of study physiological and neurological aspect. I hope that this study will help overcome the stigma and that more and more scientific papers will help explain FANI, the origin of which we do not know. Some hypotheses suggest undiscovered natural events, technologies from terrestrial military powers, or even unknown intelligent beings, but the reality is that we don’t know.”

The professor concludes with a reflection: “We live in a society in which technology takes up more and more facets of our lives, everything is digitalized, but we have to.” Ask us something very simple and that we have avoided so far. If humans could one day visit or explore other worlds with intelligent life, what would we care more about, their technology or what exactly that other intelligent life looks like?

Hearing of FANI witnesses in US Congress / GOP oversight


Gabriel G. De la Torre. “Psychological Aspects in Witnesses of Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP).” International Journal of AstrobiologyDecember 2023

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