The September 11 Attacks: An Event That Changed the World

This Friday, September 10th, marks the eve of the obscure twentieth anniversary of the September 11th attacks in New York (United States). writing of 20 Hours looks back on this day that has marked contemporary history.

On the day of the September 11, 2001, attacks, the entire world knew immediately that there would be a before and after 9/11. FOR 8:25 am that day, the voice of Mohammed Atta, the leader of the terrorists, resonates in air traffic control. Air traffic controllers don’t understand what’s happening and it’s too late: For 8:46, the plane fits into the north tower of the World Replacement center in New York, United States.

On television, programs change. America still thinks it was an accident. But in 9:03, no more doubts. Two minutes later, President Bush’s chief of staff whispered in his ear that America was under attack. FOR New York, when firefighters arrive at the scene, it is to follow with fear the fall of those who, trapped on the floors above the impact points, prefer to put an end to the flames throwing themselves through the windows.

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