The Saudi government responded to the employees

Riyadh: The Saudi Ministry of Manpower answered the question asked by the worker.

According to Arab media reports, the ministry has clarified that employees of companies and institutions are entitled to 5 days leave with salary on the death of close relatives such as wife and parents.

The report said that a citizen working in Saudi Arabia had asked the Ministry of Manpower whether the employee would get leave on the death of his brother or sister.

The Saudi Ministry clarified the above question and said that in case of death of an employee’s wife or one of his close relatives, the employee has the right to 5 days leave including pay.

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According to the Ministry of Manpower in the country, basic relatives include father, mother, grandfather, grandmother and grandparents, grandmothers, sons, daughters, grandsons, granddaughters and great-grandchildren.

On the other hand, the Saudi Ministry of Manpower and Social Welfare has launched the second phase of the Workers’ Profession Test Program, which includes six new professions. Û”


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