Recently, Yash Raj Films announced that superstars Salman Khan and Shah Rukh Khan will be seen together in the near future. The name of this movie will be ‘Tiger vs Pathan’. It is now clear from the title that Salman and Shah Rukh will be seen colliding together in this upcoming Spy Universe offering from Yash Raj Films. In the meantime, a big update has come out regarding Tiger vs Pathan. That is why we will tell you which director will direct this Bhaijaan and King Khan movie.
With the announcement of ‘Tiger vs Pathan’, the excitement of the fans has increased a lot. In the meantime, this latest update related to the ‘Tiger vs Pathan’ director is sure to double your excitement. The famous film critic Taran Adarsh has shared the latest post on his official Instagram account. According to Taran, Siddharth Anand has a responsibility to direct the film ‘Tiger vs Pathan’ starring Salman Khan and Shah Rukh Khan.
Siddharth, who most recently directed King Khan’s mega-blockbuster Pathan. The filming of ‘Tiger vs Pathan’ will begin from the month of January next year. In such a situation, it can be clearly said that through ‘Tiger vs Pathan’, the pairing of Salman and Shahrukh can be seen causing a sensation at the box office.
Apart from ‘Tiger vs Pathan’, production company Yash Raj Films has also given a big update on superstar Hrithik Roshan starring in War 2. War 2 will be directed by Ayan Mukherjee. While South Cinema superstar Junior NTR will be seen sharing the screen with Hrithik.