The right to abortion and the carrying of arms divide Brazilians

The right to abortion, rejected by 52%, and the possession of weapons, supported by 50%, are among the issues that most divide Brazilians, who are very progressive on some issues (75% accept homosexuality) and conservative on others. (72% reject that the environmental law slows down agriculture).

That is the portrait of Brazilian society, according to a comprehensive survey released by the demascopic firm Datafolha this Saturday, exactly nine months after the most polarized elections in the history of Brazil and in which the progressive Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva won by less than two percentage points to the far-right Jair Bolsonaro.

According to the survey, which interviewed 2,010 people in 112 cities between June 12 and 14, while 45% of Brazilians believe that women have the right to decide on abortion (25% totally agree and 20% partially), 52% disagree (39% totally and 13% partially).

Another issue that polarizes in Brazil is the right of citizens to have weapons to defend themselves, defended by 50% (33% totally agree and 17% partially) and rejected by 48% (37% totally and 11% partially). .

One of the first measures taken by Lula after assuming his third term last January was to abolish several of the regulations with which Bolsonaro, the leader of the far-right in Brazil, relaxed the legislation on the possession and carrying of weapons.

While the captain of the Army reserve, who was sentenced on Friday to remain ineligible until 2030 for abuse of power, vetoed any possibility of expanding the possibilities of legal abortion in Brazil, the progressive leader said that it is a matter of responsibility congressional.

Abortion is only authorized in the country in cases of rape, risk of life for the mother or anencephaly of the fetus.

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Other controversial issues do not generate as much polarization in Brazil.

Asked about whether homosexuality should be accepted by society, 75% agreed (55% totally and 20% partially) and 21% disagreed (13% totally and 8% partially).

However, when asked if the family has to be formed by a man and a woman, 72% agreed (59% totally and 13% partially) and 27% disagreed (20% totally and 7% partially). .

In the same way and in defense of flags considered conservative, the majority rejects gay marriage, admits that blacks have less access to the job market (78%) and considers that racism is now seen in everything (75%).

In the same way, 78% consider that vaccination is a personal decision and 72% assure that environmental laws have to be flexible so as not to slow down the advance of agriculture.

In defense of progressive banners, the majority support women accessing more leadership positions (94%) and admit that global warming is a threat (90%).

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