Home Sports The public adores Jon Rahm

The public adores Jon Rahm

The public adores Jon Rahm

Jon rahm I had not stepped on for almost two years Spain, since December 2019. In that time many things have happened on the planet, conditioned by a pandemic lethal that has flooded the universe with tears. Also in his personal life: his paternity, his positives for coronavirus … And, of course, in sports: Rahmbo is the current world number one and has been crowned champion in a major, the US Open. The Basque is now a global star, an athlete with the international projection of other Spanish figures such as Rafael Nadal, Fernando Alonso or the recently retired Pau Gasol. Despite this, Jon keeps a lot of that boy from Barrika that was formed in the National Golf Center awarded by the Federation. With that humility still in your DNA, the Biscayan is overwhelmed and blushes when fans recognize him on the streets of Madrid: “The first day only 30 seconds had passed since I left the hotel and they had already stopped me.” Or when contemplating your photography on canopies or buildings: “I feel a bit strange, the truth is, it gives me something.”

After these two years, Rahm has seen how an affection that already existed has grown. If one pulls a newspaper library or search engine, one finds the 2018 Spanish Open, which brought together more than 47,000 people in the four days. OR the 2019 edition, which also moved relevant figures. The thing goes by the same way in this 2021, as he was able to verify this Thursday at the start of the tournament. It has always been popular with golf fans. The big difference, this time, is that his name already transcends his sport and reaches a wider audience. Rahm has never failed his origins, has always made a hole to compete in his country, to return what he received when he was not a figure and to wave the legacy of Seve Ballesteros. The Basque is a grateful champion. And people adore him.

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