The owner of OnlyFans has pledged $11 million to a pro-Israel organization in the US

Last year, billionaire OnlyFans owner Leonid Radvinsky and his wife promised $11 million to the powerful American Israel Public Affairs Committee(AIPAC, for its English acronym) according to an internal donor list available to the media The lever.

Leonid Radvinsky denied making or promising the donation.

According to confidential documents reviewed by The lever, AIPAC held a $90 million fundraising campaign a month after the October 7 Hamas attack on Israel. According to the listing, a “Mr. Anonymous and Katie Chudnovsky pledged $11 million, the highest amount listed in the documents.

The outlet confirmed that the personal information contained in the donation identified the person “Mr. Anonymous Anonymous” as RadvinskyOwner of the subscription-based adult content platform OnlyFans.

While some of the people named in the documents confirmed donating to AIPAC, Radvinsky and two others denied being donors.

“I did not donate or pledge $11 million,” Radvinsky said, adding that the statement “applies to me/my foundation/my family.” The Onlyfans owner declined to provide an explanation as to why and his wife looked like that.

After announcing his alleged intention to donate to the pro-Israel organization, The owner of Onlyfans refused to answer further questions from various American media outlets.

What is AIPAC?

Founded in 1963, AIPAC is the most powerful pro-Israel lobbying group in the United States. While it has long had influence over U.S. government policy toward Israel, the group announced in 2022 that it would create an affiliated super PAC that would participate directly in the election. In his short existence AIPAC has invested tens of millions of dollars in its efforts to defeat progressive, anti-Israel candidates.

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Since the outbreak of the war between Israel and Hamas, which has left more than 1,200 Israelis and more than 2,000 Palestinians dead, AIPAC has launched a concerted effort to ensure that Israel continues to receive support from the US government. As international courts, lawyers and human rights organizations criticize Israel’s retaliatory attack on Gaza as a blatant violation of human rights and even potential genocide, AIPAC continues to pressure lawmakers to support the country’s political and military support.

On its website, the group has an entire resource center dedicated to coverage of the Israel-Gaza war. The site has call centers and email to make it easier for visitors to contact lawmakersSocial media toolkits and lists of pro-Israel media, influencers and reporters.

Influential organization

Earlier this month, a report found that the political action committee of AIPAC donated $95,000 to House Speaker Mike Johnson in Novembershortly after he helped secure passage of a $14 billion aid package for Israel on Nov. 3.

While the October 7 attack and the ongoing war have become central elements of AIPAC’s lobbying and fundraising strategy, The organization is expected to work this year to maintain its influence through election spending, particularly as criticism of the United States’ role in supporting Israel grows. Offensive in Gaza.


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