The threat of nuclear war or a third world war is a topic that is becoming less and less trivial. In a geopolitical context with several open fronts in Ukraine or Israel, nuclear tests by countries such as Russia or North Korea, which the USA also joins, indicate this A conflict could soon break out with devastating consequences and launching warheads or missiles that create a catastrophic panorama in the world and with millions of deaths in all countries. With the exception of two nations whose residents are expected to survive and remain intact, according to a study.
Washington and Moscow have spoken several times, especially after the outbreak of the invasion of Ukraine, about the high probability of a nuclear conflict involving all countries in the world. Not only would the devastating consequences occur immediately, but their effects would be felt many years later, creating a nearly uninhabitable planet that would be very difficult to rebuild.
Something that could be close since it was only a few weeks ago. The Doomsday Clock indicated that we were 90 seconds away from the apocalypse. It is a symbolic clock that warns of how close we supposedly are to the destruction of the world, created by the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, founded by Albert Einstein, in 1947. Likewise in 2019, the Science and Global Security Program ( SGS). Princeton University, United States, conducted a simulation of a nuclear conflict between Russia and the United States (along with other NATO countries).
The threats between Russia and NATO regarding the use of nuclear weapons are becoming more and more real: which two countries can survive a nuclear war?
According to these reports, prepared by a team led by Alex Wellerstein, a science historian specializing in the history of nuclear weapons, More than 34 million people would die in just three hours after a hypothetical Russian launch of three hundred nuclear warheads toward the West, which would respond with nearly two hundred against Moscow.
Since then, many studies have been conducted to decide how to live or where to hide to survive such attacks. From moving away from traditional agriculture to feeding with insect proteins or microalgae, these are some examples.
However, these studies have not focused on which places in the world would be the only places that would be saved from this global holocaust and where life could continue as normal.
The most protected countries would be Australia and New Zealandbecause of his geographical location. Both countries are more likely to survive if they stay in the Southern Hemisphere and stay away from major nuclear powers. In addition, the two nations have great capacity to do this Self-sufficiency in food that would enable them to survive the crisisaccording to a study published by Nature Food.