Stopped in 2013 after 9 seasons, “The Office” could return with new episodes in the more or less near future.
According to NBC Universal’s director of entertainment, Susan Rovner, at the Edinburgh International Television Festival, the American channel NBC is “ready” to relaunch the series on its air according to availability and the envy of showrunner Greg Daniels. “As soon as Greg Daniels wants to reboot, we are ready,” she told the American site. Deadline.
Greg Daniels had raised the possibility of relaunching the series earlier this year, assuring that no project was actively under consideration at the moment. But that he did not exclude that a reboot of The Office may see the light of day in the future. “No, it’s not impossible. For sure. I would like to be involved in the project, but there are two series on which I am currently working, ”he confided to the American site. Collider last January.
Adaptation of the eponymous British series created by Ricky Gervais, The Office made the heyday of the American channel NBC between 2005 and 2013 – and today of streaming platforms – by plunging viewers into a false documentary on the daily life of employees of the company Dunder Mifflin, with the presence in the credits by Steve Carrell, Rainn Wilson, John Krasinski, Jenna Fischer, Ed Helms or BJ Novak.