The number 1

AIe Galán and Juan Lebrón already knew yesterday, before the final of the Madrid Master Final against Sanyo Gutiérrez and Agustín Tapia, who would finish at the top of the ranking for the second consecutive year, being the first Spanish duo to do so. However, if something characterizes the champions, it is their hunger for titles, and thus they closed the campaign, with the conquest of the Masters Tournament. among the eight best couples of the regular season.

Galán and Lebrón won by a double 6-4 in a crowded Madrid Arena. “What a pleasure to be at home, with these people, the stands full … it has been a pleasure. It is very difficult to stay at this level, and now we have to celebrate the moment in which we are Juanito (Lebrón) and I ”, said Galán, from Leganés, and with numerous family and friends in the stands. The pair got, in this way, his seventh title of the season after winning six previously in the regular season: Alicante, Santander, Marbella, Cascais (Portugal), Lugo and Menorca.

After a spectacular first third of the season (three won tournaments out of five), the couple went through a series of ups and downs and managed to redirect the results after the summer. Behind, the great level of Paquito Navarro and Martin di Nenno meant that the highest position in the ranking was not decided until the Final Master in Madrid. Their options were to win the title, but they fell in the semifinals. For Galán, succeeding in this tournament is not new, since he also did it in 2019, when he was a teammate of Pablo Lima.

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Now, and being an even better player than back then, he repeats and with Lebrón, after both were left at the doors last year. Ale was chosen MVP of the tournament and, at 25 years old, he does not stop growing. In fact, such is the superiority of the couple that they have won more than twice as many titles from their immediate pursuers: Navarro-Di Nenno, added three, while Sanyo achieved four (three with Bela, but they broke during the campaign and another with Tapia). Whatever happened in this final, Galán was clear about what he was going to do after the tournament: “I’ll get on a plane and go on vacation to recharge. It has been a very charged year, physically and mentally “, he said during his visit to AS, a few days before debuting in Madrid.

Given the rumors of a possible separation with Lebrón (“they say it since we got together”), titles and rankings do not lead to it at the moment. In the female category, Ariana Sánchez and Paula Josemaría were crowned teachers by defeating Lucía Sainz and Marta Marrero 6-4 and 6-2. Alejandra Salazar and Gema Triay, despite falling into the quarters, finished the year at the top of the ranking.

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