The iPhone 14 Pro can have up to 2 TB of storage

We’re still a year away from the launch of the next iPhone models, but rumors about all 14 versions of Apple’s phone are already circulating on the web.

On this occasion, the information advances that the iPhone 14 Pro may offer a version with 2 TB of storage.

iPhone 14: all versions with more storage

The iPhone 13 series already has more storage capacity, but for Apple’s phone line 14, rumors suggest that it will be doubled. Which means that the iPhone 14 and 14 Max can provide up to 1 TB of internal memory, instead of 512 GB.

The new revelations were made by the MyDrivers website which also advances that storage of up to 2TB will possibly only be available on the iPhone 14 Pro.

New iPhone camera features may require more storage

How could it be otherwise, the gigantic storage of information now advanced, has given rise to more rumors. Thus, it is thought that the new functions of the iPhone camera imply a greater storage capacity.

For example, better video recording than the iPhone 13 now offers. Note that the iPhone 13 Pro and Pro Max models record 4K video at 60 frames per second.

However, it should be noted that there is still a long time for Apple to present us with more mobile news and that all the rumors that arise at this distance, may not come to fruition.

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