The INEFI recognizes teachers and teachers of school sports

The National Institute of Physical Education (INEFI) recognized this Friday several teachers and teachers who for decades have contributed to the development of physical education and school sports.

Alberto Rodríguez Mella, executive director of INEFI, praised the lifelong work of those educators to whom he gave recognition plaques at the “generations meeting” held at the Radisson hotel in this Capital.

Among the honorees were Faisal Abel Hasbún, Fernando Teruel, Ángel Rolando Miranda, Enrique Marchena, Luciano Álvarez, César Padrón, Arturo Morales, Nelson Ramírez, Rafael Duquela Morales, Abraham Espinal, Blanca Iris Alejo and Isabel Lafontaine, among others.

Upon receiving the recognition plaque, Faisal Abel Hasbún congratulated Alberto Rodríguez on his appointment and the great work he has been doing for three months in front of INEFI.

On this matter, the Immortal of Dominican Sports thanked Rodríguez for his gesture, whom he described as one of his “most diligent students at the De La Salle school”.

Abel Hasbún revealed that Alberto Rodríguez “was very disciplined, exemplary and respectful.”

The activity was also attended by athletes, who shared their ideas and promised to do their bit to promote the development of school sports.

The executive director of (INEFI), Alberto Rodríguez, revealed that the meeting has been one of the most emotional and important in the three months that he has been in office.

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