The themes:
– The indictment of former Health Minister Agnès Buzyn. O The Court of Justice of the Republic (CJR) is investigating a government action during the Covid-19 outbreak. Agnès Buzyn is indicted for “endangering other people’s lives”.
– The 20th anniversary of the September 11 attacks. VSow the 9/11 attacks changed our world. The testimony of Saveria Rojek. The Twin Towers, the starting point of the global conspiracy?
– Pension reform buried by Emmanuel Macron? The President of the Republic says this without enthusiasm to a farmer during ahe visits an agricultural fair in Provence.
The guests :
Saveria Rojek, political journalist, former Paris Match correspondent in New York during the September 11 attacks, co-author of “The War, Investigation into an Attack on Humanity” in Filipacchi.
Hamdam Mostafavi, associate editor of L’Express.
Marie-Estelle Pech, editor-in-chief of Marianne’s corporate department.
Véronique Reille-Soult, president of Backbone Consulting.
Luc Brisson, journalist Vrai or Fake from France Télévisions.
Nicolas Teillard, Franceinfo reporter live from New York.