The IFJ places 45 journalists killed in 2021, a decrease from the previous year

A total of 45 journalists and media workers have been murdered in 2021 when they were carrying out their work, which represents a decrease compared to the previous year, according to the results of the annual report of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) released this Friday.

The figure, which has been collected annually by the IFJ since 1991, is one of the lowest since the report was first produced. However, the total number of journalists killed in the last three decades stands at 2,721.

These murders, according to the IFJ, correspond mainly to "targeted homicides, crossfire deaths and bombings", as stated in the organization’s statement.

The Asia-Pacific region tops the regional list with around twenty murders this year, ahead of America (with ten), Africa (with eight), Europe (with six) and the Middle East.

While there has been a decrease in violence, journalists have faced numerous threats, especially in countries such as Afghanistan, where nine journalists have been killed, Mexico, India and Pakistan, the most dangerous for these workers.

"Journalists and media workers are more frequently killed for denouncing corruption, crime and abuse of power in their communities, cities and countries", pick up the text.

However, the IFJ highlights that the risks associated with armed conflicts have decreased in recent years due to the limited exposure of professionals who cover armed conflicts.

By cons, alert, "The threat from criminal gangs and drug cartels, from the slums of Mexico to the streets of European cities in Greece and the Netherlands, continue to rise and are behind many of the murders recorded this year.".

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"These 45 colleagues we have lost this year remind us of the terrible sacrifice journalists around the world continue to make in the public interest, and we are forever indebted to them and to the thousands of people who have paid the highest price."said IFJ Secretary General Anthony Bellanger.

"The IFJ believes that the only proper tribute to the cause for which they gave their lives must be the relentless pursuit of justice for them. That is why we continue to advocate for the adoption of a new UN Convention for the protection of journalists, which guarantees accountability for the murders of journalists.", has settled.


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