The unique incident of a young man in India shocked the whole world. According to media reports, a young man sold his wife to get a smartphone.
Indian media in accordance A 17-year-old man from Rajasthan had married a 26-year-old woman a month ago. After the marriage, he recently moved to another city with his wife, where he sold her to a 55-year-old man for Rs. 180,000.
According to the newspaper report, with this money he bought a smartphone and spent the rest of the money on food and other luxuries.
When he returned home alone from another city, family members asked him about his wife. She said she had gone with someone else and I had left her. He did not believe her and reported it to the police. After arresting the accused, the police interrogated him and found out that he had sold his wife in another city.
When police went to Paran in southeastern Rajasthan to pick up the woman, locals refused to hand her over to police, saying they had paid the price. If the police want to take him back, they should be paid first. When asked for money, the boy said that he used the money to buy a smartphone and spent the rest of the money. The case is now in court and the court will decide the sentence of the minor husband