The entire Griezmann operation comes to light

Many people have not understood why the FC Barcelona let go Antoine Griezmann by way of assignment with a purchase option three times less than what they paid two years ago for it (120 million euros) but the truth is that it has a very simple explanation, they save scandalously high money. The signing of the French has been one of the worst movements made by the culé team led by Josep Maria Bartomeu since in addition to spending this enormous amount, he put a salary that it was clear that they were not going to be able to sustain.

According Sports world, Grizmann’s return to Atlético de Madrid will relieve the Camp Nou coffers by up to 130 million euros, this is what he will stop paying between transfer amortization and salary, a scandalous figure that makes it very clear that his departure was necessary, beyond sports and the good or bad performance that could give with the culé shirt. In addition, it should be noted that it is a transfer for the next two years with a purchase option of 40 million euros that is practically mandatory since if the Frenchman plays 50% of the matches, Atlético will have to pay this amount to the Catalan team, something that, except for serious injury, will end up happening.

The operation was about to go to waste

So much Antoine Griezmann as Diego Simeone were squeezing FC Barcelona and Atlético de Madrid respectively for this operation to be carried out in the last minutes of the transfer market although everything depended on Saúl’s departure to Chelsea. Some problems with training rights in Elche seem to have been what was blocking the departure of Elche to the Premier League, but finally they were solved and all operations could take place.

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