He Banco Sabadell POSsupported by one of the most extensive networks of POS specialists in the financial sector of our country, It is one of the best options available to entrepreneurs who want to start an eCommerce project.. On June 21, his specialists explained it during a conference on eCommerce at the Girona Chamber of Commerce.
David Sanz, one of the managers of Banco Sabadell’s POS business, gave a conference at the Girona Chamber of Commerce on “Where is eCommerce going?” In addition to analyzing in depth the economic sectors of our country in which, at the moment, electronic commerce has higher levels of penetration, he explained in detail the great possibilities that payment gateways currently offer and «link charging systems» From financial institutions to all those interested in launching an e-commerce project. Many of them are little known to the general public despite the fact that they even allow you to start a store or sell online, without the need for a website.
Companies must be prepared to sell both in person and online
For the buyer, the difference between purchasing at a physical point of sale, with face-to-face payment, and distance purchasing and payment in eCommerce is increasingly blurring. Thus, we either pay in physical stores through online payments (gas station apps, car parks, event tickets…) or we book in online stores by collecting and paying in physical stores. Consequently, companies must seek the “360º experience”, everything is connected and the customer is the same through various channels. Therefore, it is increasingly important to have an integrated collection system, capable of responding to all these situations. In Sabadell Bank They have a solution consisting of:
- Smart POS for face-to-face purchase, Equipped with Android technology with a powerful payment module capable of connecting by Wi-Fi or 4G, with multiple functionalities integrated into its applications (satisfaction surveys, solidarity rounding, splitting an account, order management and quick consultation of operations and returns among many more. …).
- Virtual POS for online purchase, through its technological partner Paycometwhich allows you to process secure and frictionless payments, manage risk, accept payments with more than 25 alternative systems in Europe, and offer any service that an eCommerce may need such as card tokenization (one-click payment), recurrence, multiple integrations and all with specialized support through the same tool.
- Smart Phone&Sell POS: Ideal to be able to sell through social networks without having to have a web page generating payment links. It can also be complemented with the Virtual POS to be able to recover shopping carts that have been left halfway based on the initiative of the online store.
All this, with very competitive monthly flat rates or with a small percentage of each sale made. The client chooses the system that best suits him. This makes it possible for any entrepreneur to launch their project quickly and without the costs associated with the payment gateway posing any type of problem.
An extensive network of specialists throughout the country
On the other hand, for Sanz, one cannot ignore the fact that at this time the technical possibilities offered by the payment gateways of most financial institutions are very similar. The great difference and competitive advantage of Banco Sabadell is that it has one of the largest networks of POS specialists prepared to provide advice when implementing this type of solution, which constitutes one of the characteristics best valued by the companies that use our platforms.