The baby changed after birth, 19 years later, the test report revealed

Madrid: A Spanish hospital gave the girl to the wrong couple instead of handing her over to her real parents after birth, which was revealed 19 years later.

French media Reports A baby girl was born in 2002 at a hospital in Bilbao, Spain, and was handed over to another couple by hospital authorities.

The woman filed a 25 2.5m lawsuit against the hospital management after her DNA test report came out.

“After I was born, I was handed over to a couple instead of my real parents. When I realized this, I had DNA taken,” he said in the petition.

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The local administration acknowledged the negligence and called it a human error. The hospital administration said that two girls were born in the hospital that day. The staff had mistakenly handed over the two girls to the wrong parents.

According to the administration, the two girls were placed on a machine in the nursery after birth, which is why the mistake was made. The Ministry of Health and the local government also took notice of the case filed by the girl.

“After 19 years, it is very difficult to confirm the mistake and identify the culprits. Now such a mistake does not happen and we hope that such an incident will happen in the future,” a health ministry spokesman said.

According to the Ministry of Health, the girl’s grandmother lodged the first complaint, in which she mentioned to the caretaker father that she was not paying alimony for the child and requested for DNA.

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After the application was approved, samples were taken from the girl, the caretaker (father, mother), which confirmed that the girl’s genes did not match those of the man and woman. The health department has begun searching for the girl’s real parents.


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