Potassium is a very useful mineral for the body. Associated with sodium, it allows the muscles to contract. But it is also necessary for cardiovascular health. Finally, it plays a role in the synthesis of carbohydrates and proteins. Its blood level is regulated by the kidneys. It is found mainly in fruits and vegetables. Here are the 6 foods that contain the most.
Very nutritious, the banana is one of the favorite fruits of the French. Easy to carry and eat without getting your hands dirty, it has many health benefits. Its high iron content reduces the risk of anemia, stimulates the production of hemoglobin and fights constipation. But it is especially famous for its potassium.
A 100-gram serving of sun-dried tomatoes contains 3430 micrograms of potassium according to ANSES. Sun-dried tomatoes are also packed with antioxidants. The good news is that they can be used in all sauces: in a salad, in a pasta dish … You just have to start your imagination.
Potassium is also found in significant amounts in potatoes, but also in all tubers. It concentrates about 300 micrograms per 100 grams. To fully benefit from these benefits, it is recommended to consume them cooked in the oven or in water, consuming the potato exclusively cooked.
A salad of young spinach leaves provides plenty of potassium for the day. This little green veggie that packs a whole cocktail of benefits is actually a major source of potassium, or 500 micrograms per 100 grams.
Nutritionists recommend combining the seeds with our diet. It’s a simple way to ensure a regular supply of nutrients. Flax seeds are especially beneficial for health. In addition to fatty acids, they contain a lot of potassium.
Fresh parsley is an important source of potassium. To take advantage of its vitamin C content, it is best to consume it very fresh. A bunch that has yellowish leaves should be set aside, it should lack freshness.