Bollywood’s best actor Vijay Verma is making headlines these days for his romance with actress Tamannaah Bhatia. Recently, this alleged couple has been seen holding hands in Mumbai. Many of whose images are now going more and more viral on social media. Tamanna has also been seen blushing heavily in the pictures.
Tamannaah Bhatia and Vijay Verma had come to Mumbai for dinner at a restaurant. During this both were captured by paparazzi on their camera. The images have now been shared by Yogen Shah on his Instagram page. In which both were seen in a very romantic style. In the images, they are both seen in casual outfits. Tamanna wears black pants with a white t-shirt. On the other hand, Vijay looks very handsome in blue jeans with a patterned T-shirt. These photos of both now testify to their love.
At the same time, fans are also very fond of the photos of Tamanna and Vijay. She is showering a lot of love in the post. While liking their photos, one user commented that they look perfect…” While the other wrote: ‘Soulmate..’ Let us tell you, the news of their affair broke when they were out for the New Years party from Goa. One of their kissing videos went viral. This news fueled the news of their affair.
On the work front, Vijay and Tamannaah were seen in Part 2 of the recently released web series ‘Lust Story’. The one where their sizzling chemistry wowed fans. These days Vijay is seen in the web series ‘Kalkoot’. On the other hand, Tamannaah will soon be seen in the movies ‘Jailor’ and ‘Bhola Shankar’ as well as ‘Veda’.