Sudan: more than 3 million people displaced and refugees because of the war, announces the UN

Sudan’s nearly three-month-long conflict between the army and paramilitaries has forced more than three million people from their homes, the UN reported on Wednesday (July 12th). The number of people who have fled abroad is approaching 724,000, while the number of internally displaced people exceeds 2.4 million, according to the online data portal of the International Organization for Migration (IOM). ), a United Nations agency.

>> The article to read to understand the crisis in Sudan, plagued by violent clashes

“It’s more than just a number. It’s about people who have been uprooted, who have fled for their lives, families who have been separated and children who will no longer be able to go to school”, said an IOM spokeswoman, Safa Msehli. Egypt and Chad are the countries that have received the largest number of people

The actual number of people who fled the country is certainly higher than announced. The number of arrivals in Egypt (nearly 256,000) thus dates back to 18 June.

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