Study detects organic pollutants in the sperm of healthy men

In recent decades, there has been a significant decline in semen quality in healthy men, which has been accompanied by an increase in the frequency of ejaculation male infertility. The evidence suggests that all of this is related Lifestyle habits and that environmental pollution current.

Now the Institute of Environmental Diagnostics and Water Studies (IDAEA) of the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC), in collaboration with the Center for Environmental, Food and Toxicology Technology (TecnATox) of the University of Rovira i Virgili (URV) of Tarragona, has developed a innovative methodology for detection organic pollutants directly into the Sperm.

The study, published in Environmental Science and Technologywas carried out on semen samples from ten men and indicates the presence of plastic additives such as: Phthalates or bisphenolswith potential Danger to human healthin addition to the added chemical additives Tireslinks industrial perfluoroalkylated or surfactants, among others. This evidence provides further information so that the The legislation is stricter regarding the marketing and use of these compounds to protect public health.

Until now, it has been common to determine the link between pollution and infertility by analyzing chemical substances in easier-to-obtain body samples such as urine or blood, but the link to semen quality is less direct.

“It was important for us to establish a solid analytical method that allows us to detect these chemical compounds in complex samples such as sperm,” he explains. Pablo Gago FerreroResearcher at IDAEA-CSIC and lead author of the article.

“There are very few studies that directly analyze seeds,” as the link between “environmental exposure and infertility is generally established through the analysis of chemical substances in.” body samples easier to obtain, like urine or blood, but its connection to semen quality is less direct,” he clarifies.

In this case, the latest advances are in Spectrometry of high-resolution masses, the most powerful pollutant detection technology that has enabled us for the first time more than 2,000 organic compounds get directly into the sperm and are potentially harmful to health. In addition, this method makes it possible to understand how these compounds accumulate during sperm formation.

Therefore, sperm samples were collected 10 healthy men between 18 and 40 years old Residents in Tarragona belonging to the Led Fertyl project coordinated by the Department of Human Nutrition of the University of Rovira y Virgili and the Institut d’Investigació Sanitària Pere i Virgili.

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The results showed that Presence of 21 chemical compounds different families in seed samples, including plastic additives such as phthalates (used to give flexibility to plastics such as PVC) or bisphenols A and S, commonly used in food packaging, reusable plastics or textiles.

“Both phthalates and bisphenols in the crosshairs of regulators such as the European Chemicals and Mixtures Agency because of their harmful effects on male reproduction. In fact, this agency recently published one new tolerable daily intake of bisphenol-Awhose value is 20,000 times lower than the previous one,” explains the URV researcher. Montse Marques.


Our results show that perfluorinated substances (found in paints, furniture, pans and textiles) are present in the sperm of healthy men, which may be of utmost importance for male reproductive health.

Pablo Gago-Ferrero, lead author

Perfluorinated compounds (PFAS) are another chemical family that was detected in all samples. These substances have one Widely used in industrial applications and from consumptionfind yourself in it Coatings Stain resistantPaints and varnishes, furniture, pans, textilesdue, among other things, to its high resistance and chemical stability. Current scientific findings connect the two Continuous exposure These substances can occur in various types of cancer, immune disorders and metabolic problems.

In 2022, the US Environmental Protection Agency reduced the safe intake limit of these compounds in drinking water from 70 nanograms per liter (ng/L) to 0.004 ng/L.

“Our results show that this perfluorinated substances “are present in the sperm of healthy men, which could be of utmost importance for male reproductive health,” he points out. Gago Ferrero.

It was finally reported for the first time presence of the MBT, an industrial additive used in the production of Rubber and tires; and that Surfactantswidely used in personal care products.

The authors emphasize the value of this methodology in treatment larger studiesthat they are planning for the near future. This will allow them to link exposure to chemical contaminants found directly in sperm with the risk of impaired male fertility.


Sánchez-Resino, E. et al.Exploring the occurrence of a wide range of organic contaminants in human semen through an innovative LC-HRMS based methodology suitable for target and non-target analysis.. Environmental Science and Technology (2023)

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