Akshay Kumar and Katrina Kaif are arguing a lot these days about their movie Sooryavanshi. The release date for the film has been revealed, while now the first song from the film will also be released soon. The first song in the film will be released on October 21. Whose title is – Aila Re Aila. In this song, you will not only see Akshay Kumar, but also Ajay Devgan and Ranveer Singh, who have previously appeared on Singham and Us. Rohit Shetty is very excited about this movie.
As soon as the first song of the film comes out on October 21, its cast will also get involved in promoting the film Suryavanshi. The film is said to be made on a big budget, which has gone into a lot of work, which is why the film’s director Rohit Shetty doesn’t want to leave a stone unturned in its promotion. That is why you have now made the decision to go on a big promotion for this movie so that it can be successful in bringing audiences and fans to theaters. Film critic Taran Adarsh has reported on social networks that from October 21 the star cast will begin promoting.
The release date for the film Sooryavanshi has also recently been finalized. Akshay and Katrina’s Sooryavanshi will be released the next day, that is, on November 5. This film was previously released in March 2020, but due to the lockdown, the release of the film was halted. Now the sliding movie will be released in November 2021. Not only the filmmakers, but also the fans are very much looking forward to it. And they are eagerly awaiting the movie, even though the trailer for the movie has been released a long time ago. If you want to see that trailer again, you can watch it here.
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