What The Hell Navya: Megastar Amitabh Bachchan’s daughter, Shweta Bachchan, said in a new episode of her daughter Navya Naveli Nanda’s What The Hell Navya podcast that she doesn’t like the way she’s trolling her brother Abhishek Bachchan. Shweta said that people compare Abhishek Bachchan with Amitabh Bachchan, which is not fair. She also said that when it comes to trolling, she feels more protective of brother Abhishek than father Amitabh.
Speaking of Abhishek, Shweta said: ‘Yes, but this is bad. He always keeps attacking Abhishek. And this is going to upset his family members. This makes my blood boil. This bothers me. I don’t like it when he does this with Abhishek. Because it’s not fair. You can not do this. This bothers me a lot because he is my little brother and I protect him.
Telling Navya, Shweta says, ‘I don’t feel this way about her maternal grandfather (Amitabh Bachchan)…because she’s a maternal grandmother…but I feel sorry for Mamu (Abhishek Bachchan). Because Abhishek always compares himself to something that cannot be compared. It’s like you’re comparing two things that don’t match. The success of one cannot be compared to the success of another. You completely ignore someone’s achievements because someone else in their family has done better. It does not mean that it is less, I think it is not good.
Shweta clarified that Abhishek has been dealing with this for two decades. State that Abhishek Bachchan is the son of Amitabh Bachchan and Jaya Bachchan. He made his Bollywood debut in 2000. He was seen alongside Kareena in the movie Refugee. He was last seen in the movie Dash.
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