BEIJING: A barber in China has claimed to sharpen people’s eyes by shaving their eyes.
According to the details, a barber in China claims that he can clean the loose eyes with his razor, after which people start looking more clean.
Chinese barber Xiong Gao has been doing this weird and controversial job for the last 40 years and he also calls himself an eye barber. He says he washes his eyes with a blade, but before performing the procedure he uses iodine Definitely cleanse.
According to Xiong, they first move the eyelids backwards to clear the whites of the eyes, then slowly clean the eyes with a blade, a process that takes them only 5 minutes, during which time they move the upper and lower eyelids. They clean the eyes by twisting the eyelids alternately.
Xiong’s shop is located in Chengdu, the capital of southwest China’s Sichuan Province. Is.
The barber says that he scratches the eyes of people who are 30 years of age or older, because in the eyes of people of that age, dirt and dust gradually accumulate in the eyes, which is very important to clean.