India to South film ‘RRR’ has won at the 80th Golden Globe Awards in Los Angeles. The song ‘Naatu-Naatu’ from the film has been declared the winner in the Best Original Song category. With this, the whole country is proud of this achievement of the film on the international platform. At the same time, celebrities from the south to Bollywood are also happily swaying and congratulating the film crew. In this episode, B-Town king Shah Rukh Khan also expressed his happiness by tweeting about this ‘RRR’ achievement.
Shah Rukh Khan tweeted and congratulated the ‘RRR’ team. King Khan wrote in his tweet: “Sir just woke up and started dancing ‘Naatu Naatu’ celebrating his Golden Globes win. There are many more awards to come and we have to make India proud.”
Sir just woke up and started dancing Naatu Naatu celebrating his Golden Globes win. Here are so many more awards and making India so proud!
—Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) January 11, 2023
We tell you that in the Original Song category of the Golden Globes 2023, ‘Natu Natu’ by ‘RRR’ surpassed ‘Carolina’ Where the Crowds Sing by Taylor Swift, ‘Ciao Papa’ by Pinocchio by Guillermo del Toro, Lady Gaga by Top Gun.Hold My Hand’: Beat Maverick and Rihanna’s ‘Lift Me’, made history by becoming the winner. However, the film has missed out on the award in the Best Foreign Language Film category.